Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Video Assessment (Facebook)

Although this video is obviously a joke it bring up good points in it's lyrics:
  • "Theres an online world where I am king of a little website dedicated to me" - This is one of the reasons why facebook and myspace are so popular, its that persons own little space where they are "king". The personal nature of these social networks are very appealing to some.
  • "Before the Internet friendship was so tough, you actually had to be in peoples presence and stuff" - Also a good point to the affects of social networks, people become less accustom to actually meeting with people face to face. Social networks to a certain extent make people lazy by people having mostly an online relationship with friends and having the Internet be the main way of communication.
  • "I used to meet girls hangin out at the mall, now I just wait for them to write on my wall." -This is a sad but true statement about how some people are today. Again bringing the laziness point up.
  • "If the internet crashed all across the land,or my facebook account was deleted by the man. Id carry around a picture of my face and a summary of me typed out on a page" -The song pokes fun also at what would happen if facebook went down, they said they would carry a picture of themselves around with a summery typed out. This wouldn't happen obviously but i think if facebook or other social networks went down people wouldn't know what to do, they have become so use to a online way of communication.
Overall this video is very humerus and bring up a lot of good points in it through the lyrics and graphics. These are not professionals that did this just regular people but i still think it would be very useful in writing a paper. The points they bring up in a comedic why would fit well into my paper. It may not be "authoritative" because it is from youtube and made by some dudes but informative non the less.


  1. I'm not totally sure why you included this video as a source for your paper honestly. This is basically just a joke video about Facebook, not anything practical or realistic. There are tons of videos of people who analyze why Facebook works for students/ people etc.

  2. Nice use of parody and sarcasm for this source. How will you integrate it into your idea, though?
