Monday, February 23, 2009

Authoritative Source

The Governator

This article talks about how Schwarzenegger is pumped up about this new budget. He says, "It will boost public confidence in California, reassure the financial community and allow us to resume selling our bonds and rebuilding our state" He pretty mush is just trying to reassure the people of California that everything will be alright and not to panic. It shows the major stimulus and cuts in the budget and the reasons for them and how necessary the budget is to our state to continue to function.

Schwarzenegger: New budget is 'perfect medicine' for California

Part of the Article:

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said the budget package passed by state lawmakers early Thursday is "the perfect medicine for our ailing economy."

The measure, which awaits the governor's signature, is aimed at closing a $42 billion state deficit through tax increases, spending cuts, borrowing and increased government efficiency.

"It will boost public confidence in California, reassure the financial community and allow us to resume selling our bonds and rebuilding our state," Schwarzenegger said at a news conference at the Capitol in Sacramento, California.

The plan contains $14.9 billion in cuts, most of them from the state's most expensive budget items, primarily education, health and human services, the judiciary and state workers and employee compensation, Schwarzenegger said.

Schwarzenegger said all revenue increases are temporary. Among them are new and increased taxes on sales, vehicles and personal income. More revenue will be contributed by the state lottery.

The legislative measure also contains an economic stimulus package that includes plans to use public-private partnerships for state construction projects. That will save money and get projects done more quickly, Schwarzenegger said.

article from

California Budget Cuts/Crisis Interview

I chose to interview my dad because he is a business owner and is always talking about the economic crises we are in. He sees first hand every day how this impacts business owners and everyone else.

Nick Becker: What do you think of the new California state budget?

Todd Becker: The budget has it's faults like any other economic plan but for the most part it seems to set California at least back on the right track to recovery. It's massive cuts in education and transportation are scary to think about but i think if we can just tough it out for a year or maybe a few years things will get better.

Nick Becker: Do you see this impacting you in anyway when the budget is passed into law? Or has it impacted you already?

Todd Becker: Well, i have a son in school who will suffer the education cuts and the public transportation cuts. I personally will suffer because of the rise in tuition from the school since i pay for some of his schooling. My business as a sharpener of tools and blades for many companies has suffered. While i am always busy i have had to decrease my prices and have seen many big companies either majorly downsize or totally go under. I constantly hear about how this crisis we are in is the worst people have ever seen. It's a little scary.

Nick Becker: If you were Governor of California what would you include in this budget? What would you cut?

Todd Becker: I would try to follow the example of the stimulus plan that was just passed. Obama's idea about rebuilding roads, buildings, schools seems to be a good one in my opinion. Get as many people back to work as possible. Tax cuts for the lower and middle class and tax increases in the higher class would seem to be a good idea as well. The "trickle down" theory of the Bush years hasn't seemed to work so something new like that would be nice to see. Investing in education and encouraging more people to become teachers is also a plan i would take. I would cut funds for unemployment benefits and welfare. I would also make cuts in parks, the environment, military spending, science funding. Anything not absolutely necessary.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rhetorical Strategies

Obama uses some of these rhetorical strategies during his keynote address for the Democratic Convention:
  • Point of View- His view of the united states is one of hope. He gives people the confidence in this view by siting examples of his own life and the life of his father.
  • Assumptions- I don't think he makes any assumptions in this speech. He tends to back up everything he says. He makes a very persuasive argument. 
  • Evidence- His life and the life of people he knows, examples play a key part in this speech to deliver his message. 
  • Argument- He argues that John Kerry will bring change to the US and bring it out of it's "long political darkness."
  • Persuasion- He tries to persuade people by making it seem like this is the most important moment in their lifetime. That if they do nothing this world will remain in darkness. He uses hope and fear at the same time. 

Politics Summery

The article "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama is a script of his keynote address st the 2004 Democratic Convention. He talks of uniting American through the one similarity we all have here; being Americans. He talks of not blue or red states, but purple states that can live together. This was his starting moment in becoming president. This is where people started to notice him. His confidence in America seemed to make people love him. His message of uniting filled people with hope.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Obama Inaugural Speech Journal 2/17

How does Obama in this speech persuade people to believe in him and follow him?

-Obama persuades people to believe in him by sounding very confident and determined. He dedicates a part of his speech to all of the problems facing America and he gives his listeners hope from his words. Obama makes people feel like this is the most important moment in there lifetime. He has a way with his words that just makes people want to be apart of this and follow him. He brings so much energy into what some of people would say is a dull subject (Politics) His posture is strong and his voice is loud which gives people confidence. All of this is why he has such a high approval rating, he is the definition of presidential. 

Reflections on Changes

I think this change is goning to make this class way better. I've never bloged before or had teachers use this kind of style so i think its really cool. I'm excited to see what else we will do that is creative like this.

Journal: 2/12/09

Topics I would like to write about:

  • Music- Love music, play guitar

  • Politics-Major in Political Science

  • Philosophy-My minor

  • Short Stories- Nothing too long, something i can get interested in and not lose focus

  • Sports-Love baseball. Go Oakland

  • Creative writing