1. How does the revised version of our class differ from the first version?
- I feel the revised version is much more interesting. Including the blog and the wiki has made this class interesting and fun to go to. Not telling us our grades the whole time was a twist, but overall this revised version seems much better than the original one.
2. Which one do you prefer? Why?
-The revised, because of the reasons stated above.
3. What could be changed next time? Why?
- Only thing i would change is the whole not telling us our grade thing, it freaked me out to not know what my grade was the entire semester. Showing the progress in my grade frequently would have helped. But again, overall a great class.
4. What did you like/dislike about the Clark 111 classroom itself?
- The Clark 111 classroom was awesome. Really liked the whole technological aspect of the whole room. Made the class much more interesting and i found myself looking forward to going there before class often.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Assessing Assessments
The resources i still need to get:
1. More articles out of Mauk & Mets
2. Some of the sources i provided won't help me so i should find ones that will
Have i assessed my resources effectively?
- Probably not, i should take another look at them.
1. More articles out of Mauk & Mets
2. Some of the sources i provided won't help me so i should find ones that will
Have i assessed my resources effectively?
- Probably not, i should take another look at them.
Resource Reflextion
1. How did you find your resources?
- I found most of them on google! Except for my interview (my sister)...she wasn't hard to find. She lives in my house. The book i found on the SJSU database website for the library. I later went to the library and found it to see what it was all about. The video, newspaper, journal, and magazine i just found on google like i said earlier.
2. How has research altered your original idea?
- It's given me insight on both sides of my thesis, it's given me more info on it than altered it Its given me opinions which are going to be very important in my paper.
- I found most of them on google! Except for my interview (my sister)...she wasn't hard to find. She lives in my house. The book i found on the SJSU database website for the library. I later went to the library and found it to see what it was all about. The video, newspaper, journal, and magazine i just found on google like i said earlier.
2. How has research altered your original idea?
- It's given me insight on both sides of my thesis, it's given me more info on it than altered it Its given me opinions which are going to be very important in my paper.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Book Assessment (Facebook)

Online social networking
Sylvia Engdahl, book editor.
Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2007.
This book is all about how social networks are a bad influence on kids and how parents should limit the usage of them. It bashes some websites like myspace and facebook by telling you there are sexual predators that find victims through online social networking and pornographers that expose children to obscenity at online social networking sites. Overall this book pretty much hates social networks and gives a one sided view. It talks nothing of the good things about social networks, only the bad. But it is authoritative because it was in the library and gives lots of info on the topic. I would use this in a paper about social networking if i wanted to see the bad side of myspace, facebook, ext.
Personal Interview (Facebook)
For my interview i interviewed my sister:
Me: How often do you use facebook?
Sister: I check it on my free time, to see if my friends have left me a comment or anything.
Me: What do you like/dislike about it?
Sister: I like that i can communicate with my friends easily on it and that it doesn't take much to do it. I dislike that i don't always know who's looking at my profile.
Me: How did you begin to use facebook?
Sister: A friend made one for me, i didn't like it at first but i grew on me.
Me: Do you find it easier to communicate with friends now?
Sister:Definitely, i can see whats going on with them and leave comments for them to see later.
Me: Do you feel facebook is a good thing for college students?
Sister: I do, college students are very busy so its nice to have facebook and other social networks to be able to communicate with my friends quickly.
Me: Are you comfortable with people you don't really know looking at comments and pictures of you?
Sister: Not at all, i wish there was more security features on it.
Me: How often do you use facebook?
Sister: I check it on my free time, to see if my friends have left me a comment or anything.
Me: What do you like/dislike about it?
Sister: I like that i can communicate with my friends easily on it and that it doesn't take much to do it. I dislike that i don't always know who's looking at my profile.
Me: How did you begin to use facebook?
Sister: A friend made one for me, i didn't like it at first but i grew on me.
Me: Do you find it easier to communicate with friends now?
Sister:Definitely, i can see whats going on with them and leave comments for them to see later.
Me: Do you feel facebook is a good thing for college students?
Sister: I do, college students are very busy so its nice to have facebook and other social networks to be able to communicate with my friends quickly.
Me: Are you comfortable with people you don't really know looking at comments and pictures of you?
Sister: Not at all, i wish there was more security features on it.
Video Assessment (Facebook)
Although this video is obviously a joke it bring up good points in it's lyrics:
- "Theres an online world where I am king of a little website dedicated to me" - This is one of the reasons why facebook and myspace are so popular, its that persons own little space where they are "king". The personal nature of these social networks are very appealing to some.
- "Before the Internet friendship was so tough, you actually had to be in peoples presence and stuff" - Also a good point to the affects of social networks, people become less accustom to actually meeting with people face to face. Social networks to a certain extent make people lazy by people having mostly an online relationship with friends and having the Internet be the main way of communication.
- "I used to meet girls hangin out at the mall, now I just wait for them to write on my wall." -This is a sad but true statement about how some people are today. Again bringing the laziness point up.
- "If the internet crashed all across the land,or my facebook account was deleted by the man. Id carry around a picture of my face and a summary of me typed out on a page" -The song pokes fun also at what would happen if facebook went down, they said they would carry a picture of themselves around with a summery typed out. This wouldn't happen obviously but i think if facebook or other social networks went down people wouldn't know what to do, they have become so use to a online way of communication.
Newspaper Article Assessment (Facebook)
Brad Stone, Dec. 7, 2007; updated Feb. 18, 2009
This New York Times article is not too interesting because it does not have an opinion but only states the facts like most of the other articles I've read about facebook. Its boring but still is a authoritative source because new york times is a major paper with respected journalists. It talks about the history of facebook from the beginning to the present and how it has quickly become a part of social networking. The article focuses on the financial success of facebook more than the social part so i would not necessarily use it as a source in a paper about social networking.
Brad Stone, Dec. 7, 2007; updated Feb. 18, 2009
This New York Times article is not too interesting because it does not have an opinion but only states the facts like most of the other articles I've read about facebook. Its boring but still is a authoritative source because new york times is a major paper with respected journalists. It talks about the history of facebook from the beginning to the present and how it has quickly become a part of social networking. The article focuses on the financial success of facebook more than the social part so i would not necessarily use it as a source in a paper about social networking.
Journal Article Assessment (Facebook)
Facebook Is Now 200 Million Strong
Published Apr 8, 2009 by KJ MullinsDigitalJournal.com is a social news site made up of professional journalists, citizen journalists, and bloggers. So i don't know if it would be a great source to use since you don't really know if the author is just some dude or not. The article is short and not very informative, it just talks about how facebook is 200 million strong and that the founder of facebook was voted The World's Most Influential Person of 2008.Not very exciting and didn't have an opinion in it, just stated facts. This article wouldn't help in writing a paper.
Magazine Article Assessment (Facebook)
Why Facebook Is the Future 
By Lev Grossman Thursday, Aug. 23, 2007
(picture from article)
This Time magazine article is all about how social networks (mainly facebook) are changing the way we live. The article brings home the point that social networks like facebook connect people with one another with ease while at the same time keeping them apart. Although it doesn't say it outright the article hints that facebook causes more harm than it does good. The article is titled "Why Facebook is the Future" the future seems dim in the authors eyes. This is an authoritative article because TIME is a respected magazine with pro journalists. It is a good source that gives a lot of information on facebook and social networks. Would be useful in writing a paper on social networks.http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1655722,00.html
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Research Questions
- Narrow the thesis down to a social network like Facebook
- how is facebook helping students interact the with world?
- How do they use it?
- Who is using it?
- how is it different than regular leisure activities?
- Are people exploiting it?
- Helpful or hurtful in the long-run?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thesis Statement
Thesis Statement: As new methods of communication have been created by technological advances, social networks are becoming more and more important to how students and the world interact with each other.
Sources that might be helpful in proving this point:
Sources that might be helpful in proving this point:
- Wikipedia
- Facebook, myspace, ect.
- online journals
- library
Facebook Wikipedia
"Facebook is a free-access social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people." -Wikipedia
The wikipedia on facebook fully explains all aspects of facebook. Its discussion page consist mostly of people talking about Iran banning facebook, and crazy people talking about random stuff. The wikipedia is useful to me and possibly to our social networking paper because facebook is a major component of social networking today and wikipedia gives you an accurate description and history of it.
The wikipedia on facebook fully explains all aspects of facebook. Its discussion page consist mostly of people talking about Iran banning facebook, and crazy people talking about random stuff. The wikipedia is useful to me and possibly to our social networking paper because facebook is a major component of social networking today and wikipedia gives you an accurate description and history of it.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Social Networking Service Assessment
Social Networking: Facebook

Note details about the entire site & describe briefly
-Facebook has a number of features with which users may interact. They include the "Wall", a space on every user's profile page that allows friends to post messages for the user to see, "Pokes", which allows users to send a virtual "poke" to each other (a notification that tells a user that they have been poked), Photos, where users can upload albums and photos, and "Status", which allows users to inform their friends of their whereabouts and actions. Facebook constantly creates new features for it's users.
Assess how it is used
-Facebook is a free-access social networking website. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. You can use it for finding old school friends and work colleagues who you had lost touch with, and once you found them you are able to contact them with greater ease than other sites. It is big among high school and college students too. They can contact and/or communicate instantly with friends by just being on the computer.
Assess who uses it (based on the other users)
-High school and college kids probably make up most of its users. The youngsters of today are now supposedly the 'facebook generation', meaning that they prefer to spend the majority of their time communicating with their 'friends' online than in person.
Assess what it represents to the users
-It represents your own "space" on the Internet in which you can customize to you're liking. Its a place to talk with friends and network. It has become "the cool thing to have" because "everyone has one." Like any innovative website the media were quick to jump on the facebook phenomenon, which helped feed interest in facebook, as increasing numbers of people signed up to see what all the fuss was about. The Internet through sites like facebook and myspace are becoming the main way of communication.
Assess if it's useful or not (and answer the why or why not)
-It is useful because you can catch up with old friends and are able to make new 'friends' whilst being entertained with the games and other downloads it provides. Its a source of entertainment and social networking that makes it easier to make and keep in contact with friends. It connects millions with one another.
Assess if private information about a user is apparent
-There are security setting you can make to restrict strangers from viewing your profile. So the information you wish to share is totally up to you. If you block someone, they will not be able to find you in a Facebook search, see your profile, or interact with you through Facebook channels (such as Wall posts, Poke, etc.). You can set your profile to "My network and friends", "Everyone", "Friends of Friends", and "Only Friends." These allow you to pretty much control what people get to see. It seems to be pretty secure.

Note details about the entire site & describe briefly
-Facebook has a number of features with which users may interact. They include the "Wall", a space on every user's profile page that allows friends to post messages for the user to see, "Pokes", which allows users to send a virtual "poke" to each other (a notification that tells a user that they have been poked), Photos, where users can upload albums and photos, and "Status", which allows users to inform their friends of their whereabouts and actions. Facebook constantly creates new features for it's users.
Assess how it is used
-Facebook is a free-access social networking website. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. You can use it for finding old school friends and work colleagues who you had lost touch with, and once you found them you are able to contact them with greater ease than other sites. It is big among high school and college students too. They can contact and/or communicate instantly with friends by just being on the computer.
Assess who uses it (based on the other users)
-High school and college kids probably make up most of its users. The youngsters of today are now supposedly the 'facebook generation', meaning that they prefer to spend the majority of their time communicating with their 'friends' online than in person.
Assess what it represents to the users
-It represents your own "space" on the Internet in which you can customize to you're liking. Its a place to talk with friends and network. It has become "the cool thing to have" because "everyone has one." Like any innovative website the media were quick to jump on the facebook phenomenon, which helped feed interest in facebook, as increasing numbers of people signed up to see what all the fuss was about. The Internet through sites like facebook and myspace are becoming the main way of communication.
Assess if it's useful or not (and answer the why or why not)
-It is useful because you can catch up with old friends and are able to make new 'friends' whilst being entertained with the games and other downloads it provides. Its a source of entertainment and social networking that makes it easier to make and keep in contact with friends. It connects millions with one another.
Assess if private information about a user is apparent
-There are security setting you can make to restrict strangers from viewing your profile. So the information you wish to share is totally up to you. If you block someone, they will not be able to find you in a Facebook search, see your profile, or interact with you through Facebook channels (such as Wall posts, Poke, etc.). You can set your profile to "My network and friends", "Everyone", "Friends of Friends", and "Only Friends." These allow you to pretty much control what people get to see. It seems to be pretty secure.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
assessing technology article
Isolated Community: Hidden Dangers of MMORPG's
Rachel Schofield

People play these games because they are either just bored or are not happy with their lives. Its a second life for them in which they can be and do anything they want. For some it becomes incredibly addicting and people can waste their whole life in this fantasy world. People that play these games seem to neglect their family and friends to further advance themselves in the game. It also gives them the chance to connect with other players and compete.
Rachel Schofield
People play these games because they are either just bored or are not happy with their lives. Its a second life for them in which they can be and do anything they want. For some it becomes incredibly addicting and people can waste their whole life in this fantasy world. People that play these games seem to neglect their family and friends to further advance themselves in the game. It also gives them the chance to connect with other players and compete.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
assessing 3 sources
This source used alot of quotes by the facebook terms of agreement itself to illustrate the authors opinion on the new terms of agreement. The author didn't so much critique it than just highlight certain aspects of it to make the reader think. This is a good source because most of it is taken from the actual terms of agreement.
This source gave a one-sided view of the new terms of agreement for facebook. The author talked about how the "CC" is working for peoples best interest to make sure they understand what is going on, like with the new facebook. It was boring. It didn't have that much detail on what the "CC" was so i wouldn't use it as a source.
This website pokes fun at social events and news, it's purpose is for entertainment only so it wouldn't be a great source to use unless you wanted to prove a sarcastic point. I found it to be pretty funny.
This source used alot of quotes by the facebook terms of agreement itself to illustrate the authors opinion on the new terms of agreement. The author didn't so much critique it than just highlight certain aspects of it to make the reader think. This is a good source because most of it is taken from the actual terms of agreement.
This source gave a one-sided view of the new terms of agreement for facebook. The author talked about how the "CC" is working for peoples best interest to make sure they understand what is going on, like with the new facebook. It was boring. It didn't have that much detail on what the "CC" was so i wouldn't use it as a source.
This website pokes fun at social events and news, it's purpose is for entertainment only so it wouldn't be a great source to use unless you wanted to prove a sarcastic point. I found it to be pretty funny.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Brainstorming Technology
Quick Write:
- technology is development of tools to adapt to the environment. Scientific Knowledge
- Computers, Cell phones, ext. represent this technology, science
- EVERYONE controls it, well most of the time, government will step in when necessary to keep an eye on the peps.
- People take advantage of you when you lose your own personal information, people will try to profit somehow of you. BLACK MAIL!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thesis: Financial aid and students loans are affected devastatingly by the national and California economic crises.
I. Introduction
A. State Thesis
B. Overview of the topic/ lay out the plan for the paper
II. Major Student Loan Companies
A. Lehman Brothers
1. The fall of Lehman Brothers
2. The destruction they caused for the students
B. Best bet for student loans
1. How tough it is and is going to be for students to get good loans
2. Good companies for student loans
III. What has our government done?
A. Congress laws passed
1. Did it help?
2. What else can they do?
B. Future plans
1. Will Obama help out students?
2. Are there any laws/plans in the works?
IV. When can we expect this to end?
A. Time line?
1. Expected end to this
2. What we can do in the meantime
B. How will this affect future generations
1. Long-term effects
2. What we can do to make the situation better
V. Conclusion
A. Restate the Thesis
B. Lessons we can learn from this
1. Its not THAT bad
2. What not to do again
I. Introduction
A. State Thesis
B. Overview of the topic/ lay out the plan for the paper
II. Major Student Loan Companies
A. Lehman Brothers
1. The fall of Lehman Brothers
2. The destruction they caused for the students
B. Best bet for student loans
1. How tough it is and is going to be for students to get good loans
2. Good companies for student loans
III. What has our government done?
A. Congress laws passed
1. Did it help?
2. What else can they do?
B. Future plans
1. Will Obama help out students?
2. Are there any laws/plans in the works?
IV. When can we expect this to end?
A. Time line?
1. Expected end to this
2. What we can do in the meantime
B. How will this affect future generations
1. Long-term effects
2. What we can do to make the situation better
V. Conclusion
A. Restate the Thesis
B. Lessons we can learn from this
1. Its not THAT bad
2. What not to do again
Monday, February 23, 2009
Authoritative Source

This article talks about how Schwarzenegger is pumped up about this new budget. He says, "It will boost public confidence in California, reassure the financial community and allow us to resume selling our bonds and rebuilding our state" He pretty mush is just trying to reassure the people of California that everything will be alright and not to panic. It shows the major stimulus and cuts in the budget and the reasons for them and how necessary the budget is to our state to continue to function.
Schwarzenegger: New budget is 'perfect medicine' for California
Part of the Article:California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said the budget package passed by state lawmakers early Thursday is "the perfect medicine for our ailing economy."
The measure, which awaits the governor's signature, is aimed at closing a $42 billion state deficit through tax increases, spending cuts, borrowing and increased government efficiency.
"It will boost public confidence in California, reassure the financial community and allow us to resume selling our bonds and rebuilding our state," Schwarzenegger said at a news conference at the Capitol in Sacramento, California.
The plan contains $14.9 billion in cuts, most of them from the state's most expensive budget items, primarily education, health and human services, the judiciary and state workers and employee compensation, Schwarzenegger said.
Schwarzenegger said all revenue increases are temporary. Among them are new and increased taxes on sales, vehicles and personal income. More revenue will be contributed by the state lottery.
The legislative measure also contains an economic stimulus package that includes plans to use public-private partnerships for state construction projects. That will save money and get projects done more quickly, Schwarzenegger said.
article from cnn.com: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/02/19/state.budgets/index.htmlCalifornia Budget Cuts/Crisis Interview
I chose to interview my dad because he is a business owner and is always talking about the economic crises we are in. He sees first hand every day how this impacts business owners and everyone else.
Nick Becker: What do you think of the new California state budget?
Todd Becker: The budget has it's faults like any other economic plan but for the most part it seems to set California at least back on the right track to recovery. It's massive cuts in education and transportation are scary to think about but i think if we can just tough it out for a year or maybe a few years things will get better.
Nick Becker: Do you see this impacting you in anyway when the budget is passed into law? Or has it impacted you already?
Todd Becker: Well, i have a son in school who will suffer the education cuts and the public transportation cuts. I personally will suffer because of the rise in tuition from the school since i pay for some of his schooling. My business as a sharpener of tools and blades for many companies has suffered. While i am always busy i have had to decrease my prices and have seen many big companies either majorly downsize or totally go under. I constantly hear about how this crisis we are in is the worst people have ever seen. It's a little scary.
Nick Becker: If you were Governor of California what would you include in this budget? What would you cut?
Todd Becker: I would try to follow the example of the stimulus plan that was just passed. Obama's idea about rebuilding roads, buildings, schools seems to be a good one in my opinion. Get as many people back to work as possible. Tax cuts for the lower and middle class and tax increases in the higher class would seem to be a good idea as well. The "trickle down" theory of the Bush years hasn't seemed to work so something new like that would be nice to see. Investing in education and encouraging more people to become teachers is also a plan i would take. I would cut funds for unemployment benefits and welfare. I would also make cuts in parks, the environment, military spending, science funding. Anything not absolutely necessary.
Nick Becker: What do you think of the new California state budget?
Todd Becker: The budget has it's faults like any other economic plan but for the most part it seems to set California at least back on the right track to recovery. It's massive cuts in education and transportation are scary to think about but i think if we can just tough it out for a year or maybe a few years things will get better.
Nick Becker: Do you see this impacting you in anyway when the budget is passed into law? Or has it impacted you already?
Todd Becker: Well, i have a son in school who will suffer the education cuts and the public transportation cuts. I personally will suffer because of the rise in tuition from the school since i pay for some of his schooling. My business as a sharpener of tools and blades for many companies has suffered. While i am always busy i have had to decrease my prices and have seen many big companies either majorly downsize or totally go under. I constantly hear about how this crisis we are in is the worst people have ever seen. It's a little scary.
Nick Becker: If you were Governor of California what would you include in this budget? What would you cut?
Todd Becker: I would try to follow the example of the stimulus plan that was just passed. Obama's idea about rebuilding roads, buildings, schools seems to be a good one in my opinion. Get as many people back to work as possible. Tax cuts for the lower and middle class and tax increases in the higher class would seem to be a good idea as well. The "trickle down" theory of the Bush years hasn't seemed to work so something new like that would be nice to see. Investing in education and encouraging more people to become teachers is also a plan i would take. I would cut funds for unemployment benefits and welfare. I would also make cuts in parks, the environment, military spending, science funding. Anything not absolutely necessary.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Rhetorical Strategies
Obama uses some of these rhetorical strategies during his keynote address for the Democratic Convention:
- Point of View- His view of the united states is one of hope. He gives people the confidence in this view by siting examples of his own life and the life of his father.
- Assumptions- I don't think he makes any assumptions in this speech. He tends to back up everything he says. He makes a very persuasive argument.
- Evidence- His life and the life of people he knows, examples play a key part in this speech to deliver his message.
- Argument- He argues that John Kerry will bring change to the US and bring it out of it's "long political darkness."
- Persuasion- He tries to persuade people by making it seem like this is the most important moment in their lifetime. That if they do nothing this world will remain in darkness. He uses hope and fear at the same time.
Politics Summery
The article "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama is a script of his keynote address st the 2004 Democratic Convention. He talks of uniting American through the one similarity we all have here; being Americans. He talks of not blue or red states, but purple states that can live together. This was his starting moment in becoming president. This is where people started to notice him. His confidence in America seemed to make people love him. His message of uniting filled people with hope.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Obama Inaugural Speech Journal 2/17
How does Obama in this speech persuade people to believe in him and follow him?
-Obama persuades people to believe in him by sounding very confident and determined. He dedicates a part of his speech to all of the problems facing America and he gives his listeners hope from his words. Obama makes people feel like this is the most important moment in there lifetime. He has a way with his words that just makes people want to be apart of this and follow him. He brings so much energy into what some of people would say is a dull subject (Politics) His posture is strong and his voice is loud which gives people confidence. All of this is why he has such a high approval rating, he is the definition of presidential.
Reflections on Changes
I think this change is goning to make this class way better. I've never bloged before or had teachers use this kind of style so i think its really cool. I'm excited to see what else we will do that is creative like this.
Journal: 2/12/09
Topics I would like to write about:
- Music- Love music, play guitar
- Politics-Major in Political Science
- Philosophy-My minor
- Short Stories- Nothing too long, something i can get interested in and not lose focus
- Sports-Love baseball. Go Oakland
- Creative writing
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