I. Introduction
A. State Thesis
B. Overview of the topic/ lay out the plan for the paper
II. Major Student Loan Companies
A. Lehman Brothers
1. The fall of Lehman Brothers
2. The destruction they caused for the students
B. Best bet for student loans
1. How tough it is and is going to be for students to get good loans
2. Good companies for student loans
III. What has our government done?
A. Congress laws passed
1. Did it help?
2. What else can they do?
B. Future plans
1. Will Obama help out students?
2. Are there any laws/plans in the works?
IV. When can we expect this to end?
A. Time line?
1. Expected end to this
2. What we can do in the meantime
B. How will this affect future generations
1. Long-term effects
2. What we can do to make the situation better
V. Conclusion
A. Restate the Thesis
B. Lessons we can learn from this
1. Its not THAT bad
2. What not to do again
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