Online social networking
Sylvia Engdahl, book editor.
Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2007.
This book is all about how social networks are a bad influence on kids and how parents should limit the usage of them. It bashes some websites like myspace and facebook by telling you there are sexual predators that find victims through online social networking and pornographers that expose children to obscenity at online social networking sites. Overall this book pretty much hates social networks and gives a one sided view. It talks nothing of the good things about social networks, only the bad. But it is authoritative because it was in the library and gives lots of info on the topic. I would use this in a paper about social networking if i wanted to see the bad side of myspace, facebook, ext.
This might not totally pertinent to your thesis, though I can see how it might be useful when considering counter arguments for your thesis. I would suggest trying to find another book.