Obama uses some of these rhetorical strategies during his keynote address for the Democratic Convention:
- Point of View- His view of the united states is one of hope. He gives people the confidence in this view by siting examples of his own life and the life of his father.
- Assumptions- I don't think he makes any assumptions in this speech. He tends to back up everything he says. He makes a very persuasive argument.
- Evidence- His life and the life of people he knows, examples play a key part in this speech to deliver his message.
- Argument- He argues that John Kerry will bring change to the US and bring it out of it's "long political darkness."
- Persuasion- He tries to persuade people by making it seem like this is the most important moment in their lifetime. That if they do nothing this world will remain in darkness. He uses hope and fear at the same time.
How is this a rhetorical strategy; see those we've covered on my blog for 2/19/09. No points for this one. --kh